
Happy April 1st...!!!
 the wisdom of The Fool Card, the first card tarot.

1. Have beginner’s mind.  Over time we fill up with knowledge, habits and experience, and generally, that serves us well. But sometimes, being that full gets in the way of fresh thinking and creative possibilities. The gift of letting go of knowing is the opportunity to learn.

2. Leap.  Traditionally, The Fool is shown to be teetering on the edge, just about to go over a cliff. Whenever we step into a new adventure, it’s a risk. It’s natural to be nervous. But think how many things were once risky that are now second nature, like standing, for example! Courage and confidence are created one leap at a time.

3. Don’t pay too much attention to your fears. The Fool is often depicted with a little dog nipping at his heels or biting the seat of his pants to stop him from going over. Our fears do this to us all the time: sometimes protecting us, but sometimes holding us back. Take the time to listen to your fears, do what you can to support your safety and then get on with the adventure!

4. Play.  Even on the cliff, the Fool takes time to enjoy the moment. The most precious gift you have is now. Make room for some lightness and joy, maybe even some silliness – you may just find it delicious!

5. Don’t worry about being a 0.  Our real human need to be respected and valued can sometimes transmute into a drive for and dependency on status. Keeping up with appearances and worrying what others think of us is exhausting! The Fool reminds us to simply be. Wherever you are, it’s the right place on your journey.

What foolishness will you get up to this month?

October, 2,2011

1. Coming week : THE MOON

The Moon
The Moon has long been a symbol of illusion and enchantment. Its intoxicating rays were said to be the cause of madness and delusions. The Moon card represents those times in our lives when we face confusion and doubt. Not knowing is scary; not just because it makes us feel out of control and vulnerable, but also because uncertainty can allow our imaginations to run wild, inventing demons and horrible fates that will befall us. The lesson this card has for us, however, is that our fears are mostly figments of our imagination and our delusions generally self-delusions.

What to expect over the next 7 days
This card suggests you may find yourself challenged by a feeling of uncertainty this week. You might encounter a situation which makes you feel anxious or you may find yourself mis-reading people and circumstances. The Moon asks you to be calm and patient when this happens and to remember that there is always a valuable lesson to be gained when facing any confusing situation. Any worries you face will soon pass and you will be rewarded with greater clarity than you had before.

2. Coming month : STRENGTH

Strength is one of the most important human qualities we can possess. Compassion, integrity and wisdom may seem equally if not more important, but without the strength of will and character to see them through they will come to nothing. Thus the strength referred to here is not an outer or physical one, but rather an inner strength. The ability to endure difficulties and persevere under pressure are all aspects of this. The image of a lion that often appears on this card is appropriate because strength is tied up very much with courage. The lion can afford to be brave because it knows it has the physical strength to handle any situation it finds itself in. In people also, courage of conviction and strength of character are two sides of the same coin.

How will the next four weeks be for you?
This card suggests you will be given an opportunity to develop inner strength in the next few weeks. This strength may be necessary in order to help you deal with difficult situations. Without it you may feel unable to cope and may be tempted to leave things undone, or to not do them in the most satisfactory way. You may even feel on the verge of giving up. However, the appearance of this card is a very positive sign that you have all the qualities needed to meet any difficulties head on. You possess all the inner strength and fortitude to endure and triumph in any situation, and thus awaken the powerful and noble person that is within you. All you need to do is simply believe in yourself and your inner power in order to access these qualities when required.

3. Guidance : SIX OF COINS

Six of Coins
The Six of Coins is the card of giving and sharing. It asks us to look at those times when we have been generous to others or when others have been generous to us. On a deeper level the card asks us to look more philosophically at the ideas of ownership and impermenance. What do we actually 'have' that 'belongs' to us? Do we 'own' things or are we merely borrowing them for this lifetime? We are asked also to remember that everything changes and that sometimes we come out on top, able to give; but at other times when we go through bad patches, we are reliant on the kindness of friends. We may not realize that there is always something we can give to others. Money might be the first resource that springs to mind, but this is not always practical or appropriate. What about love? Friendship? Time? Knowledge? We can make a difference to the lives of others and the Six of Coins asks us to consider in what ways we may achieve this.

How should I approach the coming week?
The Six of Coins advises you to be as kind and generous as you can. There are many resources we can give to ourselves and others which cost us little and the rewards can be abundant: for instance better relationships or a sense of inner security. Remember that there are many things we take for granted but which may be lacking from others' lives, so giving need not take much from us but could make a world of difference to others. If things are going well for us the card asks us to remember our fellow human beings who may not currently be as lucky as we are. We are warned not to be too complacent, as circumstances have a way of changing. On a very simplistic level we can easily see that if we don't treat people well during times of abundance they are not likely to run to our aid when times are rough. If you have blocks against giving, become aware of them and work to change so that you always feel able to give something. This is not just in order to receive, but because your heart and sense of security will feel the better for it.

1. Have beginner’s mind.  Over time we fill up with knowledge, habits and experience, and generally, that serves us well. But sometimes, being that full gets in the way of fresh thinking and creative possibilities. The gift of letting go of knowing is the opportunity to learn.

2. Leap.  Traditionally, The Fool is shown to be teetering on the edge, just about to go over a cliff. Whenever we step into a new adventure, it’s a risk. It’s natural to be nervous. But think how many things were once risky that are now second nature, like standing, for example! Courage and confidence are created one leap at a time.

3. Don’t pay too much attention to your fears. The Fool is often depicted with a little dog nipping at his heels or biting the seat of his pants to stop him from going over. Our fears do this to us all the time: sometimes protecting us, but sometimes holding us back. Take the time to listen to your fears, do what you can to support your safety and then get on with the adventure!

4. Play.  Even on the cliff, the Fool takes time to enjoy the moment. The most precious gift you have is now. Make room for some lightness and joy, maybe even some silliness – you may just find it delicious!

5. Don’t worry about being a 0.  Our real human need to be respected and valued can sometimes transmute into a drive for and dependency on status. Keeping up with appearances and worrying what others think of us is exhausting! The Fool reminds us to simply be. Wherever you are, it’s the right place on your journey.

What foolishness will you get up to this month?